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ADA Members Supplemental Insurance Plans
Underwritten by Protective®

Supplemental health insurance doesn't take the place of major medical. It's additional protection that can help you pay for costs health insurance may not cover.

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ADA Members Supplemental Insurance Plans Underwritten by Protective®
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Supplemental health insurance doesn't take the place of major medical. It's additional protection that can help you pay for costs health insurance may not cover.

Two options at affordable ADA member rates that pay cash benefits directly to you.

A critical illness or a hospital stay due to an accident, injury, or illness can result in financial implications not just for you, but also for your family and your practice.

These insurance plans were designed to help ease your burden by providing assistance with paying for costs health insurance might not cover, such as out-of-network specialists, prescription medications, other out-of-pocket costs, and more. This is especially helpful if you have a high-deductible major medical plan.

The buying power of generations of ADA Members and their families is leveraged to give you this high-quality coverage at advantageous group rates — rates you may not be able to get on your own.

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ADA Hospital Indemnity Insurance Plan with the optional Extended Care Rider
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ADA Critical Illness Insurance Plan
ADA Hospital Indemnity Insurance Plan with the optional Extended Care Rider

This supplemental medical insurance plan pays up to $1,000 for each day of hospitalization.* You can also apply for the Extended Care Rider to help address extended care needs. It provides benefits for up to 200 days to cover skilled nursing, nursing home, or home healthcare after hospitalization.

The ADA Critical Illness Insurance Plan

This coverage pays a cash benefit if you or a covered family member is diagnosed with one of the insurance plan's 17 covered critical illnesses or injuries, which include heart attack, stroke, cancer, kidney disease, and more.

*Apply for up to $1,000 in cash benefits, up to 180 consecutive days. Benefits may vary by state. Certain restrictions may apply. Please review your certificate for details.

Ready to get started?

Questions? Talk with an Insurance Plan Specialist at 866-607-5338 for assistance (weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time) or Email
