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ADA Members Disability
Insurance plans
Underwritten by Protective®

The following disability insurance plans help ensure that your personal income and dental practice don't suffer if you become disabled as a result of an illness or injury.

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ADA Disability Income Protection Insurance Plan Underwritten by Protective®
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The following disability insurance plans help ensure that your personal income and dental practice don't suffer if you become disabled as a result of an illness or injury.

1 out of 4 dentists will be disabled long enough to collect benefits at some point before retirement.1

If a serious injury or illness prohibited you from practicing, could you, your family and your practice afford the financial loss? These disability plans incorporate features specifically tailored to your unique skillset.

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ADA Disability Income
Protection Insurance
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ADA Office Overhead Expense
Disability Insurance
ADA Disability Income Protection Insurance

Get great disability coverage that focuses on your financial well-being. This plan is exclusively available to ADA members up to age 67 at competitive group rates you may not find on your own. It provides a source of income if a residual or total disability prevents you from practicing in your specialized area.

With true "own occupation" coverage included, you can continue to receive benefits even if you're able to practice in other areas of dentistry or choose to enter a new profession.

ADA Office Overhead Expense Disability Insurance

Protect the practice you've worked so hard to build with the security and built-in benefits that insurance provides. As an ADA member, you're eligible to receive payments up to $25,000/month to help cover important business expenses such as payroll for your staff, monthly rent or mortgage payments, and medical insurance for the office, just to name a few. You can also use it to pay off student loans.

Ready to get started?

Questions? Talk with an Insurance Plan Specialist at 866-607-5338 for assistance
(weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time) or Email

1Odds of disability are based on actual disability claims submitted by insured ADA members.
