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You can browse the content of our site using an unsupported browser, but we can’t guarantee the site will work properly. If you want to obtain an online rate quote, calculate your needs online, fill out an application, or access the Account Section, you will need to download a browser that we support. We continually update our website so that it works best with the newer versions of “standard” browsers.

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Unlevel the Playing Field

With a variety of disability income protection insurance choices out there that offer different features and options, we want to help you make sense of it all.

With ADA Disability Income Protection Insurance, underwritten by Protective®, your premiums are lower when you're young and just starting out, when money is tight.

Which means, you may pay less with a graded plan over the course of your career than if you went with a level premium plan.

How much do you need? Try our coverage calculator.