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Let Us Help You Choose

Whether you’re obtaining life insurance to provide financial protection for your loved ones, to use as collateral for a loan or to diversify your financial portfolio, it’s important to understand your options. You should also consider your needs, such as how quickly you may need coverage and how long you may need to keep it.

We have different life insurance plans, issued by Protective Life, to meet the unique needs of ADA members and their families:

The comparison table below will help you understand the differences between the ADA life insurance plans, so you can choose the right coverage for you:

ADA Term Life Insurance ADA Level Term Life Insurance ADA Term Plus® Universal Life Insurance
Minimum Coverage Amount: $50,000 $100,000 $50,000
Maximum Coverage Amount1: $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000
Fixed, Level Premium:Premiums gradually increase based on your age Premiums are fixed for a 10-year or 20-year term Premiums gradually increase based on your age
Age of Eligibility: Under age 65 Can apply for a 20-year term if under age 60 or a 10-year term if under age 65 Under age 65
Renewable Until2: Age 81 Option to roll 10- or 20-year terms into Term Life, which is renewable up to age 81, at the end of the term Age 90
Builds Cash Value: No No Yes
Spouse & Dependent Coverage: Yes Yes No3
Accelerated Death Benefit: Up to $200,000 if diagnosed with a terminal illness Up to $200,000 if diagnosed with a terminal illness Up to $200,000 if diagnosed with a terminal illness
Disability Waiver of Premium Option: Yes No Yes
Accidental Death Option4 Yes, maximum benefit of $1,000,000 No Yes, maximum benefit of $1,000,000
Volume Discounts: Yes No Yes
Premium Credit Discounts5: Yes No Yes
Medical Underwriting: Yes Yes Yes
Underwriting Rate Classes:
Substandard 1
Substandard 2
Substandard 1
Substandard 2
Substandard 1
Substandard 2
Ability to Convert Coverage to Term Plus® Universal Life: Yes Yes N/A

1Subject to $3,000,000 coverage maximum across all ADA life insurance certificates.

2Beginning at age 65, coverage amounts can no longer be increased.

3If member has Term Plus® Universal Life Insurance, then spouse/dependent is eligible for ADA Term Life Insurance coverage.

4The accidental death option benefit reduces by 50% beginning at age 66.

5Premium Credit discounts share favorable financial results with Plan participants. The Premium Credit discount is not guaranteed, but reevaluated periodically. Term Life and Term Plus Universal Life premiums increase annually based on age. For Term Plus Universal Life, an additional $4.10 monthly administrative fee will be added to your cost of coverage and will be deducted monthly. For certificates issued after January 1, 2009, renewal rates might be slightly lower than Term Life rates after age 70.

6Preferred rates are available to the healthiest individuals who have low-risk health and lifestyle characteristics. Your eligibility will be determined through medical underwriting. If you qualify, Preferred rates will apply for a minimum of 10 years. At any time on or after your 10th anniversary, you may be asked to requalify for another 10 years by providing proof of good health.
