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You can browse the content of our site using an unsupported browser, but we can’t guarantee the site will work properly. If you want to obtain an online rate quote, calculate your needs online, fill out an application, or access the Account Section, you will need to download a browser that we support. We continually update our website so that it works best with the newer versions of “standard” browsers.

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Competitive rates.
High-quality coverage.
Dedicated to ADA members.
Underwritten by Protective®
Introduction Picture
Competitive rates.
High-quality coverage.
Dedicated to ADA members.
Underwritten by Protective.®
Introduction Picture
Introduction Picture
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Choose from many affordable, high-quality plans designed just for dentists.

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Insurance for students

ADA student membership benefits include life and disability insurance.*

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Coverage calculator

Find out how much insurance you need with this easy-to-use tool.

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Pay your premium, view past payments, set up autopay, update your contact information and more.

Get answers to questions about new, pending and existing coverage.

*Student member coverage is paid for by ADA Members Insurance Plans®, underwritten by Protective®.