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ADA Term Life Insurance Plan
Underwritten by Protective®

Term life insurance is an affordable way for dentists to provide financial stability for their loved ones. Learn how our flexible term life insurance plan can help protect your financial legacy in every season.
Request a free consultation

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ADA Term Life Insurance Plan Underwritten by Protective®
Introduction Picture
Introduction Picture
Term life insurance is an affordable way for dentists to provide financial stability for their loved ones. Learn how our flexible term life insurance plan can help protect your financial legacy in every season.
Request a free consultation
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What is term life insurance?

Term life insurance is an affordable option for providing financial stability for loved ones in case of your death. The ADA Term Life Insurance Plan offers high-quality coverage specifically designed for dentists, available at exclusive members-only rates. Premiums are cost-competitive and increase annually with age.

ADA members, their spouses and eligible dependents can enjoy exclusive cost-competitive rates that are among the lowest available in the market today.

Why do I need term life insurance?

Term life insurance is a cost-effective way to provide for your loved ones and help your financial legacy remain secure in the event of your unexpected passing. Additionally, term life insurance gives you options and can be used for things like collateralizing loans or funding buy-sell agreements.

Since many dentists are the primary earners in their families, protecting your loved ones is crucial. It’s recommended to have term life coverage equal to at least 15 times your annual income.*

What benefits are included?

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Member savings

The Premium Credit Reduction1 is applicable to all participants, regardless of age, gender or coverage amount.

Volume Discount when you purchase $1,000,000 or more.2

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Shared family benefits

Coverage for yourself and the whole family with the benefit of ADA member-only rates.

Neonatal coverage of $15,000 for infant children from birth through 14 days.

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Flexible uses

The ADA Term Life Insurance Plan can be used to collateralize loans, fund buy-sell agreements and provide income to your family/beneficiaries in case of your death.

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You can exchange some or all of your term life coverage to ADA Term Plus® Universal Life Insurance, which builds cash value, before age 65.

month-time Icon Renewable to age 81

Once approved, your ADA term life coverage can be renewed until age 81 with timely payment of premiums and continuous ADA membership.

payment Icon Accelerated benefit

Provides for advance payment of up to $200,000 of your death benefit if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness.3

1Premium credit reduction shares favorable financial results with Plan participants; reduction is not guaranteed but reevaluated periodically.

2A volume discount of 2% or 4% will apply when member life insurance is $1,000,000 or greater.

3Any accelerated benefit received will reduce the Proceeds payable upon your death and may be treated as taxable income and may affect eligibility for Medicaid or other government benefits or entitlements.

man with crutches
Get a personalized quote from an Insurance Plan Specialist who can assess your coverage needs.

More options

Spouse & Dependent Child Coverage Option

As an ADA member, your spouse is eligible for as much as 100% of your coverage amount at the same member rate, up to $1,000,000.

Accidental Death Option

For a low additional premium, you can increase the value of your coverage by doubling the death benefit, up to a maximum of $1,000,000.4 When you select this option, coverage automatically applies to any any spouse and dependent child coverage.

Disability Waiver of Premium Option

If you become totally disabled from all occupations before age 60, your coverage can continue without premium payment.

4 Benefit is paid if death is accidental as defined by the plan.

Ready to protect your future?
Sign in to your account or create one now.

How much term life insurance do I need?

Forbes Advisor suggests primary earners carry 15 times their annual income in life insurance coverage for financial security.* Find out how much coverage you may need based on your income.

How to calculate coverage

Determining the right amount of term life insurance depends on your individual circumstances. You can estimate your needs using a coverage calculator.

How cost is determined

  • Rates are determined by your gender and attained age
  • Preferred rates for individuals with excellent health and low-risk lifestyle characteristics. Eligibility will be determined through medical underwriting.
  • ADA membership makes you eligible for a Premium Credit reduction1
customer service person
Get a personalized quote from an Insurance Plan Specialist who can assess your coverage needs.

Trusted provider of plans created for dentists

ADA Members Insurance Plans, underwritten by Protective®, offers a range of insurance coverage and benefits to meet the diverse needs of thousands of ADA members throughout their dental career.

ADA Members Insurance Plans logo
Provides Insurance plans designed for ADA members and dental students
Protective logo
Top rated insurance provider with A+ financial strength rating from A.M. Best3

How do I apply?

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Talk to an Insurance Plan Specialist

Get personal, expert guidance to help calculate the amount of term life insurance you need based on your unique circumstances, complete your application and answer your insurance questions.

Request your free consultation by submitting the form below or call 855-411-5191 to get answers fast!

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Apply online

Ready to get started? Complete our convenient online application and start protecting your loved ones today.

Meet our Insurance Plan Specialists
Amia Jenkins
Amia Jenkins
Brandy Sherrane
Brandy Sherrane
Request your free consultation
*Required fields
Date of birth*

Additional resources

More helpful information. Make the right decisions at the right time for you.

Doctor shares disability insurance basics with client
Doctor shares video explaining level vs. graded insurance
Client learning about the seven ways a plan specialist can help
The Best Time to Buy Life Insurance
Term Life vs. Level Term Life Insurance: Which is Right for You?
10 Life events that signal a dentist should adjust their insurance

Learn when you can qualify for as much coverage as you need, and at the best possible rates.

This side-by-side comparison can help you determine which is the best fit for your needs.

Explore key life events that trigger a review of insurance plans and how to help protect a dentist’s career and financial future.


3As of February 2024: An insurance rating is an opinion of AM BEST rating agency of the insurance company's financial capacity to meet the obligations of its insurance policies in accordance with their terms. Each of the independent rating organizations that rates Protective has assigned its rating based on a variety of factors, including the company's operating performance, asset quality, financial flexibility and capitalization. A rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold insurance contracts. Ratings are subject to change at any time. The insurer may have paid a fee to the rating agency.
